Graduate School of Public and International Affairs  
University of Pittsburgh 

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The following are part of an on-going research project on the impacts of enlargement and of administrative and political reform on the role and management of the European Commission.  I particularly welcome comments on those items marked as drafts.

Reforming the Staffing Process in the European Union Institutions, published, 2010.

'New Blood': the Integration of Enlargement and Gender in the Changing Composition of the European Commission Staff, April, 2010.

“ ‘Sorry, I Don’t Speak French:  the Impact of Enlargement on Language Use in the European Commission,” in Michel Gueldry, ed. Walk the Talk. Integrating Languages and Culture(s) in/for the Professions, 2010

The Making of the New Eurocrats - rev 3-09

The Challenge of Linking Organizational and Individual Accountability in the European Commission. Working Paper, December, 2008.

Recruiting and Selecting Staff in the European Institutions: Moving the Sacred Cow Out of the Road.  Paper prepared for Annual Meeting of UACES, Edinburgh, September, 2008.

Performance Appraisal and Promotion in the European Commission: the Challenge of Linking Organizational and Individual Accountability.  Paper presented at conference on accountability and governance in international organizations, University of Konstanz, June, 2008.

Enlarging Europe:  East Europeans in the European Commission. Updated version of a paper presented at the NISPAcee Meeting, Kiiv, May 2007.

Wpływ Rozszerzenia - Dwutorowa Dynamika Zmian W Komisje Europejskiej.  Nowa Europa (Published by the Natolin European Centre), 2008.

“Two-Speed Change in the European Commission.”  This is the English version of the previous item.